Love is my Fire, Hate is my Flame

Video: Vision of Escaflowne
Audio: Jay Gordon – Slept So Long (from the Queen of the Damned OST)
Premiere Date: 2021
Status: Downloadable, Streamable
Genre(s): Character Profile, Drama, Action
Cons/Awards: n/a
Outside Links: n/a
Categories: Music videos, Time Challenges & Prompts

Original youtube description:

Vision of Escaflowne is my all-time favorite anime and I’ve wanted to make a video for so long to give tribute (especially to the dark parts). This is not that video. Maybe next time. lmao.

Made in 8 hours for a secret IC in AMV Sashimi discord server.

Audio: Jay Gordon – Slept So Long
(From the Queen of the Damned OST)

Also as an aside, this song was so incredibly hard to cut down for me. 🙃

SQ – Love is my Fire, Hate is my Flame 2021.mp4