
Video: The Terminal (2004)
Audio: Jack's Mannequin – Bruised
Premiere Date: 2007
Status: Downloadable, Streamable
Genre(s): Character Profile, Drama, Romance
Cons/Awards: n/a
Outside Links: n/a

I found this beta on my server. I didn’t know where it was from so I looked through some super old web blogs I had and found out I mentioned I was making this in february 2007. I’m going to assume either my computer crashed again or I just lost interest in it. I actually like this idea, so hopefully I will start it over and pick it up again, one day.

While I was editing this, I was also doing a Fight Club music video set to “Waiting” by Michael Tolcher. I loved that concept a lot more than Terminal, but unfortunately the beta to the Fight Club video has been lost in the abyss.