Video: Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Descendants of Darkness, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II
Audio: KidneyThieves – Black Bullet
Premiere Date: 2004
Status: Downloadable, Streamable
Genre(s): Action, Other
Cons/Awards: n/a
Outside Links: .org
Categories: Music videos, Abandoned, Time Challenges & Prompts
Original description:
It was originally a practice video for Iron Editor against AMV_4000 at Techwood Con 2004. It was my 3rd and I think best practice video. Unfortunately the song wasn’t finished, and the quality is crappy– but editing-wise, I love it. I only had two hours, there was only so much I could do! Hope you enjoy anyway.
It was clearly made before the Iron Chef video, so I believe that I got my month and day confused when I put it into the .org. On the org the release date is June (6) 4th. Iron Chef took place on April (4) 10th.
So I am pretty sure the correct finish date of this video is April (4) 6th.